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The Prince

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Friday, January 22, 2010
In the past week I've noticed just how many commercials tell us how lucky we are to have our "sunny Southern California weather." While this is true most of the year, it's been pretty miserable for the last six days. Winter is historically our rainy season, and while the past few years have been much drier than usual, this week has been the perfect example of wet winter weather. I finally got caught in the rain leaving work last night (at 9 PM - yuck), and of course I had forgotten my umbrella at home. (This was because I was in a frazzled state of mind after an argument with one of my neighbors, but that's an entirely different story.) I swear the rain started as soon as I opened the door of my building to leave, but I wasn't about to wait for it to subside before leaving. It was already late enough. Fortunately I had a little umbrella in my work bag (an old habit leftover from 23 years of living in Florida where you never leave the house without one). I had bought this umbrella in Sydney, Australia when Dan and I were on our honeymoon and we finally got tired of getting rained on every single day for two weeks. But as soon as I opened the umbrella at work last night it broke into about a dozen pieces. I guess it hadn't fared too well neglected at the bottom of my work bag for the last two and a half years. One of my co-workers was kind enough to share her umbrella with on the long walk out to the parking lot, but it was so windy that between the two of us we could barely hold on to it. What a mess. And this morning on my drive to work the rain was approaching Florida thunderstorm intensity. The rain was coming down so hard that I had to really focus on the lane dividers and the cars around me as I was driving on the freeway. I keep hearing that the weather is going to clear up soon, but so far it hasn't happened. Maybe tomorrow?
Posted at 6:50 PM, 0 Comments

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